Thanks for wanting to help out! At this time, we aren't accepting monetary donations, but if you'd like to help out in another way, here are some things we'd appreciate:
- Pray for God's blessing on what we're doing
- Tell friends/family/neighbours/anyone about the site
- Post about it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
- Tell us if there's a problem with the site, so we can fix it!
- If you make similar music, contact us so we can put it on the site too.
- If you are a web developer, or otherwise would like to help out with website development, contact us and tell us how you can help out. Ruby on Rails experience would be the most helpful, but we're also happy to work with what skills you have, and help you grow them.
- If you'd like to help contribute recording equipment, time at a recording studio, or help us create a "satellite recording studios" where future music can be recorded, please contact us
"Freely ye have received, freely give."
— Matthew 10:8b —